that was WAYY cool!
its true
that was cool, but it might have been better without the electronic pauses.. i dont know, that might be the songs base..
over all i loved it, sounds a bit like radiohead, no?
that was WAYY cool!
its true
that was cool, but it might have been better without the electronic pauses.. i dont know, that might be the songs base..
over all i loved it, sounds a bit like radiohead, no?
silly people...
dont realize that thats the point... you dont want a mainstream ringer.. thats lame!
perfect for my new cellphone =P
love it
amazing, your songs are all fabulous. ur goin on my faves!
although i cannot make this any clearer.. the spread of chaos was the most amazing song..
make more!
The spread of Chaos is a song which was of great learning value to me. I think it could be done better a good deal, but it opened a lot of doors.
I'll keep creating as long as i'm breathing, thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!
love every song you make
daaamn youre on my faves now...
sheesh, every song.. is... TERRIFIC!
loce the stuff... make more!
bass sharper... definetly...
but, man this got my dancin!
perhaps a mad snare drum beat strolling in?
loved it though! keep up the good work!
thanks 4 the ideas! i were also thinking about putting more drums in it
great song!
loved it! keep it up!
thanks man. i am waiting for a midi keyboard and a micro for finishing this song =)
memyselforwho described my girlfriends singing =P
that is actually how me and my friends described it
sorry mate, but this isnt as nice. its cool though, enjoyable.
much beter then some of the songs ranked higher, hope u make it to #1!
i love it
insane beat, although it would be nicer if you could add the ending background and beat together for more of the song, and build it a bit more.
but all in all, 10/10 5/5 i loved it
ok, lets get this out here: you are my favorite NG audio composer
almost every song i HAVE to download, this one is going on my playlist for pking (im a MMORPG nerd)
keep up the great work
i definetly enjoyed it, the short high treble sounds made a good visual, but i think they were a touch overused, maybe a little change in the tone of the song?
although overall, nice job, this ones goin on the mp3 player =)
gratz on the place!
thx for reviewing.