interesting idea, native american vocals with techno.. nice originality!
interesting idea, native american vocals with techno.. nice originality!
was sWEET
more peez!
did i hear 3d pinball noises???
hehe funny, loved it, and its perfect when people piss me off, or im confused with people...
i think this has the most complex melody of other classical peices
i really loved this, although, it would be better not as a loop. the shouting voices were really cool. i loved the rythm and you did a terrific job.
5/5 10/10
do not believe how much i love this track
dude, seriously, sell your songs. they are amazing, i prefer them over about 3/4 of the stuff on itunes... although, ont do that, cuz i can get your amazing tunes for free as it is.. anywho, this is the most amazing track on NG i love it (although, the ending is a letdown)
5/5 10/10
i love the songs of a more evil/epic nature
this song hit the spot X-)
amazing, once again, keep it up man, you are the best classical on NG
i love it all!!!!!
that was awesome...
althgouh, im not sure.. i really expected more then i heard in the beginning, but as it got farther in, it really painted a picture of a dark curch on a hill...
good stuf! nice job! keep it up! etc..
Thanks quayquay17! Quite true that the beginning is a tad weak, was necessary to build up for the rest of the piece.
Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it!
yell at jagex to put this in runescape... THEIR music sucks, but this is sweet, nice job
that was pretty cool
the only thing is... the high pitched noise should have change tone.. it got really repetitive..
but dude, this would be PERFECT for a flash game..
good luck with your musicmaking!
yah i knew it needed something changed but thanks for the comment!