nice job! gratz on the place, lots of fun
i liked it, but i think it could have done with more of a constant melody in the background.
nice job! gratz on the place, lots of fun
i liked it, but i think it could have done with more of a constant melody in the background.
was really cool, i loved the melody with precussion
sounds almost a bit TV on the radio, ever heard em?
i think maybe a little bit stronger vocals, and then get multiple pitches, for some harmony, and you my friend, will have one of my favorite songs.
i really liked this, good job
I love TV On The Radio, thanks for the comparison, it's very flattering.
I just got a better mic, and I intend on going back to this song and re-doing the vocals. I thought about doing harmonies when I recorded this song, but I had a bit of a cold, and just wanted to get a rough cut down. I've really just been procrastinating.
Anyway, thanks for the review, I appreciate your advice. (Also, if you haven't heard it already, I recommend TV on the Radio's 'OK Calculator'. It's a little hard to track down, as they never released it, but it's pretty damn awesome).
sounds nice
sounds good, but maybe some harmony?
it was pretty good, i like
dude, this is NICE
good groove, i like it!
9/10 but 5/5
very good
perfect for a movie in the snow
I don't thought about snow making this song.
Thanks for reviewing!
has guitar so its obviously one o my fave funk songs, they all need guitar and a little bit of high precussion, well done, got me dancing!
it starts off funky, becomes wacky, goes to groovey, the industrial almost
and i loved all of it =D
what is the word thing u used?
thx. Its a speak and spell device.
beginning made me say "wtf?!?!"
but then as it got more into the beat.. i was bouncing around my couch
soooo intense, rocking
maybe another version with chimes?
i loved it!
I try not to remix my own shit. I've already wasted enough time on this song.