bass sharper... definetly...
but, man this got my dancin!
perhaps a mad snare drum beat strolling in?
loved it though! keep up the good work!
bass sharper... definetly...
but, man this got my dancin!
perhaps a mad snare drum beat strolling in?
loved it though! keep up the good work!
thanks 4 the ideas! i were also thinking about putting more drums in it
great song!
loved it! keep it up!
thanks man. i am waiting for a midi keyboard and a micro for finishing this song =)
i definetly enjoyed it, the short high treble sounds made a good visual, but i think they were a touch overused, maybe a little change in the tone of the song?
although overall, nice job, this ones goin on the mp3 player =)
gratz on the place!
thx for reviewing.
at first i was pulled in by the soothing meldoy, but just as i was hoping it would advance, BAM it did! loved the short synthy computer sounds, sometimes they can be annoying, but in this it was PERFECT, very well done!
happy you liked it.